《北京是个好地方》以英国作家拉娜·苏丹的两个子女在北京的生活见闻为原型而创作。 “What A Place!”Lana Sultan’s fifth book celebrating life in Beijing!
《北京是个好地方》是一本双语(英语、汉语普通话)儿童图书,是以一个小女孩在北京一年来的所见所闻为主要内容,记录了她所到过的景点、听过的各种声音、体验过的各种节日。 “What A Place!”is a bilingual (English & Mandarin) children’s book about a little girl’s yearlong journey throughout Beijing, as she enjoys the city’s sights, sounds, and festivities.
迄今为止,拉娜?苏丹已创作出版多部作品,包括“环保小子”系列及《从前,有一位异种战士》等。本书是拉娜创作的第五部作品,也是她自2013年移居北京后推出的首部作品。 Lana Sultan has written four books, including The Amazing Adventures of Eco Boy series and Once Upon A Mutant. What A Place! is her fifth book and her first since moving to Beijing in 2013.
文迪(原名许文迪)酷爱艺术,对绘画艺术尤其热爱。她深信“美即正义”。故而,她致力于创造美好的事物。目前她正创作着属于自己独具风格的漫画作品。本书是Wendy首次为绘本创作插画作品。 Wendy has an immense passion for the world of arts, particularly for drawing. She believes that beauty is justice, and she is committed to create beauty. She is an avid illustrator and creates her own comics. “What A Place!” is her first illustrated book.
“What A Place!” has a couple of significances.
Firstly, children can facilitate themselves with the rhythmic language, cordial adore of beautiful things and pure children’s taste and hence enhance their literary attainments and cultivate their noble characters.
Secondly, the readers also can improve their aesthetic attainments with the wonderous drawings and the quest for rightousness implied in the drawings.
Thirdly, the readers can learn idiomatic English as well as idiomatic Chinese expressions just in one book.
It is a wonderful and more importantly efficient way to learn language.
In a word, “What A Place!”gives children a wonderful experience in terms of literary, aesthetic attainment, and bilingualism,” said Li Xiangang, editor of the book. He also added, “Bilingual books are an effective way for beginners and their families to enjoy a second language”.
北京读者可在The Bookworm, Baby International, Counting Sheep, UCCA Store 和 that’s Mandarin购买此书。 Baby International位于上海和成都的分店也有销售。其他城市的读者可通过作者的微店购买。 The book will available for sale in Beijing at The Bookworm, Baby International, Counting Sheep, UCCA Store, and that’s Mandarin. Baby International will also make the book available through their Shanghai and Chengdu branches. For the rest of China, the book will be available online through the Tencent-developed application Wei Dian. 亦可光顾Madam Lana Sultan的个人微店 http://weidian.com/?userid=932291780&string=b2M1b050em5vMWZyRkhtbDFIaGpFaW1pbkQxYw==&wfr=wx&code=0014di4Y1sVrU617rD5Y1POd4Y14di4a&state=H5WXshare